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The founder of the Equine Soundness School, Claudia Garner and all of the original instructors graduated from the Strasser Hoofcare Professional Program.

After years of experience in the field as busy practitioners and working with extreme hoofcare problems in an elaborate clinic set-up in South Carolina, we strive to convey to our students what we have found to work. Because of our solid understanding of how the hoof works, we dismiss trends and erroneous interpretations of science, proven techniques, use common sense and logic. We teach compassion and respect for nature and strive to improve the life of the equines in our care and therefore that of their owners. We “do no harm” but also “understand”, “enhance” and “improve”.

(Equine Soundness Inc. / Equine Barehoof Care)
Carola “Yarraman” Adolf NEP/fSHP, Level IV Workplace Trainer and Assessor
IICT Training Provider
Workshops, Seminars, Mentorships
Beginner, Advanced, Refresher
Certification Course

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    0437 483 243
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